TFI Local Link to enhance 834 bus service from Portlaoise to Roscrea from 10 February 2025

From the 10th of February, TFI Local Link Laois Offaly will enhance bus services between Portlaoise and Roscrea, via Mountrath and Borris-in-Ossory.

This enhanced route is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan which is a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as part of the Transport for Ireland (TFI) Network.

Route 834 will now operate six daily return services Monday to Saturday, with an evening service from Thursday to Saturday. It will also offer an increased Sunday and Bank Holiday service with six daily return services.

The enhanced route will offer improved connectivity to Portlaoise Hospital, Portlaoise Train Station and regional bus services as well as the villages and areas of Mountrath, Castletown, Pike of Rushall and Borris-in-Ossory.

Speaking ahead of the launch, TFI Local Link Laois Offaly General Manager, Frances Byrne said: “We are delighted to see extra services added to our Sunday timetable with this enhancement.  This service provides a valuable connection from Roscrea, Borris-in-Ossory, Castletown and Mountrath to Portlaoise for access for work, educational, and social activities.”

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