Privacy Statement

This statement relates to the privacy practices of Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly in connection with this website and is not responsible for the content or privacy practices of any linked sites. Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly is governed by the National Transport Authority (NTA), for their Privacy Statement click here.

General Statement
Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly fully respects your right to privacy, and we will not collect any personal information about you on this website without your clear permission. Any personal information which you volunteer to Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly will be treated with the highest standards of security and confidentiality, strictly in accordance with the Data Protection Acts, 1988 & 2003.

Collection and Use of Personal Information
Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly does not collect any personal data about you on this website. If you choose to send us personal information, for example via our ‘Contact Us’ page, ‘Update’ mailing list, Freedom of Information (FOI) application form or consultation processes, we will use that information in line with the purpose for which you provided it and to respond to you if required. We will pass your details to another agency only if it is required by law or if that agency is relevant to your enquiry. We do not collect personal information for commercial purposes. If you have any questions about this aspect of Data Protection we will be happy to clarify the position.

Website Usage Data and Personal Data
Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly does not covertly collect any personal data about you on this website. It does, however, use a monitoring application to collate and analyse certain statistical information about the use of its website. When you visit our website the following information is retained about that visit:

  • IP (Internet Protocol) address.
  • The number of times per visit a request for data was received from each IP Address.
  • The entry page to our website.
  • The length of time spent on our website.
  • The exit page from our website.
  • The IP address of a link if used to access our website.
  • The identity of any search engine used to access our website.
  • A list of all the pages visited while in our website.
  • The name of the browser used, e.g. Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer.

This information is used to monitor usage of our website including the frequency of use of individual pages. No attempt is made to identify individual users or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual. The website usage data are used to inform the on-going improvement and development of Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly’s website.

Any information that you provide through our ‘Contact Us’ page will only be used for the purpose for which you provided it. Please note that your email address will be recorded but will not be passed on to any third party.

Data Protection
Data protection is the means by which the privacy rights of individuals are safeguarded in relation to the processing of their personal data. The Data Protection Acts 1988 and 2003 confer rights to individuals as well as placing responsibilities on entities processing personal data. The requirements of the Data Protection Acts apply to all legal entities within Irish jurisdiction whether Government, private, voluntary or charitable, that controls personal data.

The Acts place obligations on such entities in terms of how they process personal data. One of these obligations is to give a person a copy of their personal data on request. This right to access personal data is subject to very limited exemptions. For further details, please refer to:

Under the Data Protection Act, each person has the right to data protection when their details are:

  • held on a computer;
  • held on paper or other manual form as part of a filing system; and
  • made up of photographs or video recordings of your image or recordings of your voice

How to make a Subject Access Request
Should an individual request access to their personal information that Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly holds, under Section 3 & 4 of the Data Protection Acts, they have a right to find out

  • If Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly holds information pertaining to them
  • To be given a description of such information: and
  • To be told the purpose(s) for holding such information
  • To get a copy of their personal information in full
  • To know where the information was obtained
  • How has their information been used; and
  • If the information has been passed on to anyone else

Cookie Compliance – Persistent – 1 year
Remembers if you clicked the accept button in the Cookie information bar at the top of your browser.

Google Analytics – Persistent – 1 year
To help us improve our site and to better understand how people use our site, we use Google Analytics. Most websites use an analytics program. The collected data is anonymous, it does not identify you as an individual in any way. IT helps us identify how many people visit our site, which country they are from, how many pages they visited, how fast our site loaded, and so on.

To delete the cookies please refer to your browsers help section.

Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly makes no warranty or representation in relation to any document that appears on this website. The contents of these pages are provided as an information guide only. They are intended to enhance public access to information about Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly. While every effort is made in preparing material for publication, Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly accepts no liability for inaccuracies or errors on these pages or any site to which these pages connect. Although every effort is made to ensure the reliability of listed sites this cannot be taken as an endorsement of these sites.

Laois TRIP CLG t/a TFI Local Link Laois Offaly
Laois County Council
County Hall
Co. Laois
R32 EHP9

General enquiries:

Tel: +353-57-8692168

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