Town Stop Stop Numbers Location Regular Service Number College Service Numbers Door to Door Service Numbers Abbeyleix Main Street 858 551, 7093 Ballinakill Road 822 Athlone Golden Island (to Athlone) 850 914 Golden Island (to Roscrea) 850 Station 991001 815, 850 TUS 907, 1925, 4994, 7100, 9990, 10062, 11159 TUS:MM 455591, 555391 815, 850 Ballinakill Drury’s Pub 822 Ballinamere Coolnahiley Cross 840 GAA 840 National School 840 Ballybryan School 2324 2327 Ballycumber Post Office 840 9990 920, 923, 1859 Ballyfin 544, 545, 554, 556, 7092, 4728, 10075 * Ballynahown Bus Éireann stop 850, 9990 914 Ballyroan Whelans Pub 4994 Banagher FETC 850 Library 840, 850 906, 7100 Belmont Cahills Shop 850 7100 Birr Emmet Square / Monument 823, 850 906, 907 911, 1859, 7098 Woodland Villas 823 Blue Ball Cross 1925 Bracknagh 549, 2328, 7096 Borris In Ossory Bus Éireann stop 834 2343 547 Cadamstown Church 823 10112 * Camross 545, 554 Carlow Coach Park 822 Fire Station 822 SETU 822 Tyndall College 822 Castlejordan 2327 Castletown Bus Éireann stop 834 2343 545, 4728 * Clara Church 12070, 359831 815, 840 11159 921 Station 840 Clareen Cross Roads 907 909, 911, 4730, 10112 * Clogh Shop 822 7093 GAA 822 Cloghan Bus Éireann stop 840, 850 906, 7100 913, 914, 1859 Clonaslee Flynns Londis 823 544, 555, 556, 7092 Cloneygowan 548, 7094, 7095 Clonmacnoise Car Park 850 Clonmeen 2324 Coolderry 7098 Crettyard Bus Éireann stop 822 Crinkill Daystart Shop 823, 850 Whites Cross 907 Croghan 2326 Cullahill Village 858 Daingean Quinn Shop 2324, 2347 2326, 2331 Dunkerrin Church 9989 908, 912, 7099 Durrow Square 858 Edenderry Square 2324 2327, 2331 Sweeneys Filling Station 2347 Emo 4729 * Errill 546, 547 Ferbane Gallen School 840 9990 910, 913, 914, 918, 920, 1859 Geashill Byrnes Inver Gala 10062 Graiguecullen Barrow Valley 822 Heywood Gardens Entrance Gate 822 Idle Corner Cross 1925 Johnstown Village 858 Kilcormac Centra 1925 910 Killeigh Gorman Shop 4994 557 Killeshin Killeshin Stores 822 7097 Kinnitty Main Street 823 909, 911, 4730, 10112 * Lemanaghan Cross 1925 910, 913, 918, 920, 923, 1859 Maynooth University 2324 Moate Main Street 155431, 150671 815 Moate Business College 907, 1925, 4994, 7100, 9990, 10062, 11159 Monasterevin Main Street 136501 806 Oldgrange Wood 806 Scoil Eimhin Naofa 806 St Johns School 806 St Peters School 12243 806 Station 12241, 12242 806 Moneenroe Church Sidegate 822 Moneygall Cross 9989 908, 912, 7099 Mount Lucas Darcys 2324 2331 Training Centre 2343, 2347 Mountmellick Applegreen 2343, 4994 544, 555, 556, 557, 558 MDA 2343, 4994 O’Connell Square 823 2343, 4994 Mountrath Bridge Street 822, 834 2343 545, 4728, 10075 * Newtown Bus Éireann stop 822 Pike of Rushall Bus Éireann stop 834 2343 545 Pollagh St Mary’s Church 840 1925 910, 913, 923 Portarlington Avondale Estate 12542 806 Portarlinton Bracklone Street 806 Portarlington Canal Road 806 Inver Service Station 806 Main Street 806 McCann Park 806 Patrick Street 12417, 12418 806 Station 806 Station Road 806 Square (R420) 12277 806 2343 Square 11230 806 10062 548, 549, 560, 2328, 2330 Whitefields 806 Portlaoise Block Road 858 Hospital 823, 834 James Fintan Lalor Avenue 823, 834, 858 2343, 4994, 10062 544, 545, 550, 552, 553, 558, 7093, 7095 Kilminchy 823, 834 10062 Mountrath Rd 834 Old Post Office 2343 Station 823, 834, 858 2343 Rahan 913, 923 Rathdowney 546, 547, 7093 Rhode Mullins Pub 2347 2326 School 2324 Village Killeen’s Car Park 2324 Roscrea Church Abbey Street 834, 850 547, 908, 912, 7099 Castle Street (BOI) 834 906, 907, 9989 Theresas Shop 9989 Rosenallis Pub 823 544, 555, 556, 7092 Shanahoe 551 Shannon Harbour Pub 7100 914 Shannonbridge St Kierans Church 850 914 Shinrone Main Street 850 7098 Primary School 906 Spink Tirlán 822 Stradbally Bus Éireann stop 10062 552, 553, 7097 Templemore TCFE 906, 9989 Town Hall 850 The Swan Health Centre 822 552
Town Stop (Stop Numbers) Route Numbers Abbeyleix Main Street858, 551, 7093 Ballinakill Road822 Athlone Golden Island (to Athlone)850, 914 Golden Island (to Roscrea)850 Station (991001)815, 850 TUS907, 1925, 4994, 7100, 9990, 10062, 11159 TUS:MM (455591, 555391)815, 850 Ballinakill Drury’s Pub822 Ballinamere Coolnahiley Cross840 GAA840 National School840 Ballybryan School2324, 2327 Ballycumber Post Office840, 9990, 920, 923, 1859 Ballyfin 544, 545, 554, 556, 7092, 4728, 10075 * Ballynahown Bus Éireann stop850, 9990, 914 Ballyroan Whelans Pub4994 Banagher FETC850 Library840, 850, 906, 7100 Belmont Cahills Shop850, 7100 Birr Emmet Square / Monument823, 850, 906, 907, 911, 1859, 7098 Woodland Villas823 Blue Ball Cross1925 Bracknagh 549, 2328, 7096 Borris In Ossory Bus Éireann stop834, 2343, 547 Cadamstown Church823, 10112 * Camross 545, 554 Carlow Coach Park822 Fire Station822 SETU822 Tyndall College822 Castlejordan 2327 Castletown Bus Éireann stop834, 2343, 545, 4728 * Clara Church (12070, 359831)815, 840, 11159, 921 Station840 Clareen Cross Roads907, 909, 911, 4730, 10112 * Clogh Shop822, 7093 GAA822 Cloghan Bus Éireann stop840, 850, 906, 7100, 913, 914, 1859 Clonaslee Flynns Londis823, 544, 555, 556, 7092 Cloneygowan 548, 7094, 7095 Clonmacnoise Car Park850 Clonmeen 2324 Coolderry 7098 Crettyard Bus Éireann stop822 Crinkill Daystart Shop823, 850 Whites Cross907 Croghan 2326 Cullahill Village858 Daingean Quinn Shop2324, 2347, 2326, 2331 Dunkerrin Church9989, 908, 912, 7099 Durrow Square858 Edenderry Square2324, 2327, 2331 Sweeneys Filling Station2347 Emo 4729 * Errill 546, 547 Ferbane Gallen School840, 9990, 910, 913, 914, 918, 920, 1859 Geashill Byrnes Inver Gala10062 Graiguecullen Barrow Valley822 Heywood Gardens Entrance Gate822 Idle Corner Cross1925 Johnstown Village858 Kilcormac Centra1925, 910 Killeigh Gorman Shop4994, 557 Killeshin Killeshin Stores822, 7097 Kinnitty Main Street823, 909, 911, 4730, 10112 * Lemanaghan Cross1925, 910, 913, 918, 920, 923, 1859 Maynooth University2324 Moate Main Street (155431, 150671)815 Moate Business College907, 1925, 4994, 7100, 9990, 10062, 11159 Monasterevin Main Street (136501)806 Oldgrange Wood806 Scoil Eimhin Naofa806 St Johns School806 St Peters School (12243)806 Station (12241, 12242)806 Moneenroe Church Sidegate822 Moneygall Cross9989, 908, 912, 7099 Mount Lucas Darcys2324, 2331 Training Centre2343, 2347 Mountmellick Applegreen2343, 4994, 544, 555, 556, 557, 558 MDA2343, 4994 O’Connell Square823, 2343, 4994 Mountrath Bridge Street822, 834, 2343, 545, 4728, 10075 * Newtown Bus Éireann stop822 Pike of Rushall Bus Éireann stop834, 2343, 545 Pollagh St Mary’s Church840, 1925, 910, 913, 923 Portarlington Avondale Estate (12542)806 Portarlinton Bracklone Street806 Portarlington Canal Road806 Inver Service Station806 Main Street806 McCann Park806 Patrick Street (12417, 12418)806 Station806 Station Road806 Square (R420) (12277)806, 2343 Square (11230)806, 10062, 548, 549, 560, 2328, 2330 Whitefields806 Portlaoise Block Road858 Hospital823, 834 James Fintan Lalor Avenue823, 834, 858, 2343, 4994, 10062, 544, 545, 550, 552, 553, 558, 7093, 7095 Kilminchy823, 834, 10062 Mountrath Rd834 Old Post Office2343 Station823, 834, 858, 2343 Rahan 913, 923 Rathdowney 546, 547, 7093 Rhode Mullins Pub2347, 2326 School2324 Village Killeen’s Car Park2324 Roscrea Church Abbey Street834, 850, 547, 908, 912, 7099 Castle Street (BOI)834, 906, 907, 9989 Theresas Shop9989 Rosenallis Pub823, 544, 555, 556, 7092 Shanahoe 551 Shannon Harbour Pub7100, 914 Shannonbridge St Kierans Church850, 914 Shinrone Main Street850, 7098 Primary School906 Spink Tirlán822 Stradbally Bus Éireann stop10062, 552, 553, 7097 Templemore TCFE906, 9989 Town Hall850 The Swan Health Centre822, 552